Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thing #14 Technorati and the Bloposphere

That incredibly loud sucking sound is being made by the giant black hole of the blogosphere, which is growing larger with every keystroke I make.  I feel my karmic debt deepening.

Puleeze.  Once again, I'm opting for First Life.  I watched the "new and improved Technorati" video, and yes, it's all very nifty.  The woman narrating was obviously delighted with her toy, but when she said she checked one tag "like seven times a day," my head exploded.

I cannot imagine the enormity of wasted time spent reading blogs, checking out the latest on the RSS feeds, and watching videos of mantis shrimp or whatever is most popular at any particular nano-second in time.

I can imagine loss of productivity at work and at home.  And I can imagine plummeting patron satisfaction while reference librarians try to keep one eye on catching up with their favorite feeds, blogs and videos, while helping the patrons ... providing the librarians notice them to begin with.

Current status: Happy Del.icio.us me is back to being cranky old lady me.

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